Reach your peak performance with a coach who has walked in your shoes

I partner with founders in a pragmatic, action-oriented approach to help you manage through transitions, overcome conflict, and beat the odds.

“Jared is an exceptional coach. You want someone with an in-depth understanding of your business and its formula for success. Jared quickly grasps innovative ideas and flexibly partners with founders. He's a veteran of hyper-scaling and navigating rough waters. If you're seeking the best coach for your team, Jared is the obvious choice.”

Keith Rabois

Managing Director, Khosla Ventures;
CEO, OpenStore

“Jared is someone you want in your corner as a founder through good times and bad. He’s been there as both an operator and investor and can help you creatively think through strategic issues and find solutions that can help you take your company to the next level. As someone who is independent of your board, he can be great to turn to as an advisor, mentor, coach and even someone who can help work directly to make things happen. On top of that, Jared is a great human being!”

Jack Abraham

Founder, Atomic, Hims & Hers

“At Scribd, Jared demonstrated an exceptional ability to scale products, teams, and revenue, showcasing not just his operational abilities but also his understanding of people. His approach to leadership is very effective, fostering a culture of autonomy, growth and learning.”

Sabeen Minns

Fmr. Chief Engineering Officer, Scribd

“In the realm of coaching, Jared’s experience with scaling startups truly sets him apart. We've been through intense challenges together and he was an incredible partner in the trenches. I regularly try to persuade him to rejoin my team. If you have the chance to work with Jared, don’t think twice.”

Max Levchin

Co-founder & CEO, Affirm

“Jared is the best coach I’ve ever seen at the intersection of coaching and operating. Unlike most coaches, he has world-class operational experience and can run your company better than you can. Unlike most operators, he is a deeply trained coach and communicator, and will help you get the best from yourself and your teammates.”

Erik Torenberg

Founder, Turpentine & On Deck
Partner, Village Global

“Having both been a founder/CEO and worked with dozens of founders, I've seen the intense pressures of company building. Founders often wish for someone who can be an objective senior partner on the journey. Having known Jared for 15 years I know he can be this invaluable consigliere and ally - no matter what you’re up against.”

Jessica Alter

Co-founder Tech for Campaigns

“Jared's mentorship was a game-changer during our startup's toughest growth stage. He excels at complex team dynamics and helped us scale as leaders, a team, and a company. Jared is an indispensable mentor and sounding board across the issues CEOs typically have to face alone. I couldn’t recommend him more highly.”

David Booth

Co-founder, On Deck

“When I met Jared I was in a tough place personally and needed to pivot my company - but didn’t know how. Jared helped me build my core operating skills and ‘right the ship’. He leveled up my ability to lead my team and make the necessary changes for the business. His coaching has helped me improve nearly every operating metric and I couldn’t have done it without him.”

Nick Donahue

Founder, Atmos

“Jared is more than a business advisor; he’s a dedicated partner. Start-ups are filled with ups and downs and Jared is a calming force amidst that turbulence. Jared has a steadfast commitment to progress and demonstrates an unmatched dedication to personal growth.”

Connor Zwick

Founder, Speak

“Jared's experience as an operator sets him apart as an advisor and coach. He helps me think through both tactical and strategic problems, pushes my thinking, and has been key in my development as a CEO and leader.”

Kyle Miller

Founder, Nelo

“I’ve known Jared since my business was in its very early days. Jared’s insights have been invaluable; every word he speaks is thoughtful and intentional. Jared often anticipates things I hadn’t thought about so I can tackle issues before they have a chance to surface. He helps me think about how to become a better leader and I value him as a coach.”

Jack Savage

Founder, Everyday Dose

“Jared’s blend of kindness and empathy, and deep understanding of both psychology and business make him an invaluable resource. He has a keen eye for identifying the root causes of challenges and provides practical solutions that deliver tangible results. Whether you’re facing a marketing dilemma, struggling with team dynamics, or seeking guidance on strategic decision-making, Jared is my go-to person. He is an exceptional partner to have on your side.”

Zach Gordan

Founder, Diff Eyewear

“Having witnessed Jared's transition from operator to investor, I was consistently impressed by a rare pairing in one person: his extraordinary focus on key operational metrics and an exceptional emotional intelligence and intuitive understanding of founders. It is uncommon to find such a combination of skills in one individual, but Jared's particular blend makes him an especially effective coach.”

Antonio Rodriguez

Managing Director, Matrix Partners

“Having run startups himself, Jared truly understands the challenges and nuances of being at the helm. His guidance is always spot-on, reflecting a deep understanding of what it takes to be a successful operator.”

Ben Ling

Founding Managing Partner, Bling Capital

“Jared’s run multiple businesses in the past - so he understands just how hard it is to enact meaningful change. He’s committed to helping founders drive outcomes that matter. Jared is competitive and has an unwavering focus on “success” (however you want to define it). I’d hire Jared full-time, if only he’d take the job, but I’ll settle for what time of his I can get!”

Adam Spector

Founder & CEO, Levy

“Jared is special. He holds an intersection of experience and skill that is rare to find: rock-solid business acumen, deep understanding of operations, and very high EQ, natural and developed. Most importantly, Jared is deeply trustworthy, honest, kind, smart, and gets others. Whether he’s guiding as an executive coach, helping a senior team with strategic planning or educating a whole team about stock options, he’s solid. I will work with him again, hopefully for many years. His advice is first class.”

Peter Hill

Executive & Leadership Coach

“I’ve known Jared for over a decade. He has sat on all sides of the table and deeply understands what is required to achieve real success. Jared is fiercely loyal and relentlessly committed - day or night, I know I can count on him.”

Geoff Lewis

Founder and Managing Partner, Bedrock Capital

“Jared was one of my first managers at Square. I was by far his most junior direct report at the time. I learned a ton from him. His ability to cut across and go deep across so many different aspects of Square’s business while also making the time to help me grow blew me away.”

Max Rhodes

Founder, Faire

“Running a successful startup is all about navigating transitions. Jared is a player-coach that actually gets on the field with founders and helps them coordinate the play-by-plays at critical moments. I believe all CEOs need this kind of help.”

Charlie Pinto

Founding General Partner, Fundamental Ventures

“Jared is one of a small handful of people I turn to when I have an important problem to work through. He has a rare talent — to understand the problem itself, the personalities at play, and to see and bring awareness to my own feelings. After talking to Jared I feel like I’m navigating with a map instead of blindly swinging a machete through a jungle”

JD Ross

Founder, OpenDoor & Royal

“Jared is sharp. Pragmatic. Exceptionally competent. And emotionally intuitive. Unlike most coaches, Jared can and has played the game at the highest level. You should hire Jared, but you can’t. Get him on your team and in your corner as a coach. Jared will help you cut through challenges with ease, challenging and helping you grow far beyond your comfort zone while doing so.”

Justin Kathan

Founder & CEO, RA Sanctuaries

From operator to coach

I’m passionate about building teams and companies; it took me a while to realize I could do even more of that as a coach. I spent most of the last 2 decades as a hands-on operator, executive, VC, board member, and investor in over 140 companies. When I discovered start-ups, I finally felt like I found ‘my place’: meritocratic at their core with deeply mission-aligned teams, hungry to succeed.

When I needed guidance, however, the people I could turn to were extremely busy. My bosses and mentors were world-class operators with very limited time. Talented external coaches provided insightful guidance, but lacked operational, entrepreneurship experience.

My mission is to bring together the best of these worlds to support startup founders and CEOs, in the trenches, during their most chaotic and transformative moments.

Hand signature of Jared Fliesler

Jared Fliesler

Scale yourself, your team, and your company

Icon showing mountain peaks.

Peak performance

Identify your zone of genius and what gives vs. takes away your energy, and then develop a plan to optimize where and how you spend your time.

Icon showing a bullseye with an arrow in the center

Conviction making your toughest decisions

Have an unbiased third-party sounding board who has been in your shoes and can help you evaluate your decisions and avoid landmines.

Icon showing a bar chart up to the right

Strong business outcomes

Build, motivate, and retain a rockstar team and board, and set a strong company culture that focuses on the right priorities for the business.

Icon showing a rollercoaster.

Unwavering support

Add a steadfast confidant to your corner, through all the rough patches, helping you to conquer whatever challenges arise.

Curious about working together?